New Football Team, Baseball Hirings Among Moves Made By Board

A new football team for 7th and 8th graders was among the highlights of Thursday night’s Sto-Rox School Board meeting. The meeting was a combined Agenda Review and Legislative Voting Meeting, meaning it will be the only one that will be held in February. Read on for more information about new teams, new arrivals, and much more. You will find the complete agenda here.

7th & 8th Grade Football
The board overwhelmingly approved the creation of a football team for 7th and 8th graders, plus a middle school cheerleading squad. The goal is to keep students in the Sto-Rox school district. Interim Athletic Director Josh Kemp - who the board approved to be Athletic Director for the 2023-2024 school year - said not having a school-led youth team is a problem.

Athletic Director Josh Kemp hands out football information to board members at Thursday night’s meeting.

“This gives other teams an opportunity to recruit our kids,” he said. Kemp cited a recent example of a 7th grader - who stands 6’4” tall - who went to another school because Sto-Rox didn’t have a team for him.  

“It will be beneficial for our kids to build a brotherhood at a young age, be a good influence inside the school, and prepare them for high school expectations,” explained Kemp.

Kemp and other football officials will meet with 6th and 7th graders to gauge interest and get a headcount to field a team. As far as money is concerned, Kemp said it will cost approximately $13,000 - $15,000 to hire three coaches, pay for equipment, referees, and other expenses. But Kemp said he is engaged with folks in the community to help fundraise and create partnerships to support the team.

“I know how the community feels about it,” said Kemp. “This is something I’m extremely passionate about.”

Sto-Rox’s addition of a 7th and 8th grade team likely won’t conflict with the Little Vikings, said Board President Cameron Culliver.

“I think last year we had maybe four big (older age group) teams in the entire conference. So, we all have kids dropping off left and right,” he explained, adding that he’d rather have those players stay with the district.

Kemp also said, when asked by board members, that this could create a pathway to a Sto-Rox Junior Varsity team to complement the lower and upper grade-level teams.

More Sports
• Baseball Returns: The board approved the hiring of a head coach and an assistant baseball coach. Brian Browning, a Sto-Rox gym teacher, will lead the effort. Alec Bopp, a Sto-Rox native, will be the assistant coach. Kemp praised both coaches, including Browning’s experience and Bopp’s passion. Browning has spent more than 15 years in coaching, with experience in playing and coaching college baseball.

• Softball In The Future: Reviving the Sto-Rox softball is also on Kemp’s list. “We didn’t have enough numbers (of players), but I can assure you that is on my agenda,” he said. “I see those banners every time in walk in there,” he said, referring to championship banners for several years - including the school’s 1989 state championship. “I’ve been in contact with some alumni to have clinics in the summer, to start getting our girls back.”

Hello and Welcome
• The board approved the hiring of Timothy Liparulo as an Assistant Principal for Sto-Rox Upper Elementary. Liparulo comes to Sto-Rox from the Butler Area School District. He said he was excited to come to a place “where I can grow as a professional, work with a professional team that is full of passionate people who are looking out for their students.”

• The board also hired Colleen Storer as counselor for Sto-Rox Primary Center, transferred Bethany Hudac to be the Dean of Students for the Primary Center, appointed Chris Christiansen as Acting Technology Director for the district, and advertised a Dean of Students position at the Jr./Sr. High School. 

Black History Month
• Esther Brown, site manager for YouthPlaces and member of the newly-founded Culture Club, spoke about Black History Month happenings at the Jr./Sr. High School. Chief among those developments was Black History Month Spirit Week, which will run from Tuesday, February 21 to Friday, February 24. Each day will feature a different way to honor and engage Black history. The group also came up with the idea of the Black HerStory Bulletin Board (pictured at right), featuring the stories of exceptional Black women throughout history. A Black History Celebration is also in the works, though the date is yet to be determined, though Brown said it will be incentive-based.

• Makayla Borda, student representative to the school board, gave an update school events, including:
- Music: Students researched the basis of African-American music
- Math: Studying the Black women of NASA, popularized in the feature film “Hidden Figures”
- Social Studies: Keeping it local by studying Pittsburgh-area Black history
- Senior Night was a rousing success, with Winter sports seniors recognized
- Students are also exploring using their video production studio to highlight positive things going on in the community

• Also, 9th graders Destiney Robinson and Alira Hickman (pictured at right) read from their submissions to the “Why is Juneteenth Important?” essay contest. Placing 2nd and 3rd, respectively, they earned a trip to the StopTheViolencePittsburgh’s 2023 Black History Summit for Youth held at Soliders and Sailors Hall in Oakland.

Steel City Impact’s Impact
Tyra Grant of Steel City Impact spoke about the group and its success. Namely, increasing the number of involved students on the honor roll from one - to 11. Grant said continued success helps fill and fund the program. She also mentioned next Friday’s field trip to Washington, D.C. Students will tour Howard University, monuments, and the National Museum of African-American History and Culture.

Feeling The “VIBE”
The “interrupters,” whose efforts were approved last month by the board, have a new name: VIBE, Violence Interrupters Bringing Energy. The three-person group is working in the Jr./Sr. High School to interrupt violence and help resolve differences peacefully and constructively. At Thursday night’s meeting, the board approved Sto-Rox’s participation in the expansion of the "Project SEEKS SES" grant program with Allegheny Intermediate Unit. A $600,000 grant over 18 months will help pay for VIBE.

The next meeting of the Sto-Rox School Board will also be a combined Agenda Review/Legislative Voting Meeting. It’s set for Thursday, March 23 at 7:00 p.m. at the Sto-Rox Jr./Sr. High School Cafeteria.